XRAfest 3.0

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It’s that time again……XRAfest is upon us!!!

This year is more action-packed and better than ever, for real. Not only are you getting two nights of XRA-ness dribbled down your sweet little chin from the entire XRA roster, there are loads of surprises coming at you, too.

One: Alexander the Great haven’t played a show in almost 4 months. Not locally, not anywhere, and they’ve got a heavenly host of funky new jams to get your butt shaking. I’m really banking on their entire set being a raucous rowdy mess the likes of which has never been seen. And that’s a lot of $5 words, but i’m serious. get ready to party.

Two: Rodeo Ruby Love are playing a bunch of moldy oldies. Fans of Your Love Has Made Everything Beautiful will not be disappointed. In fact, they’re practicing in the other room right now as I type this, and it’s like I’m hearing these songs for the first time all over again. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS SHOW!

Three: husband&wife are doing an entire set dictated by YOUR requests. Anything goes…If there’s a song from the husband&wife back catalog that you’ve just been dying to hear, simply send a little e-mail to hello@xrarecords.com and let us know what it is. it’s JUST that easy. get the requests in quick though, because there isn’t much time left for the dudes to rehearse.

and those are just the surprises we’ve been warned of!

September 24 and 25 are the dates. Russian Recording and the Bishop are the venues. Bloomington, IN is the town, and 8 measly dollars gets you in both nights. (or $5 each if you’re a wimp). There will also be plenty of things happening during the day saturday if you’re coming in from out-of-town. just shoot us an email if you want to hang!

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