November is Vinyl Month!

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…3 brand new vinyl releases from XRA records before the year is over. Just in time for the holidays!!

You read right! We know its been kind of a quiet year for us, release wise, but things are back on track and in full-effect. here’s the deal :

XRA-027 / Bro. Stephen / Patrons of the Arts 7″
We’re now taking orders, and shipping immediately, this beautiful brand new 7″ single from Bro. Stephen! (The official release date is Nov 8, but this music CANNOT be contained) These songs were recorded in the middle of a former chicken barn in the middle of autumn in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. he A-side is a well orchestrated, toe-tapping taste of what’s to come from Bro. Stephen while the B-side features two exclusive solo tracks accompanied only by the cracking of the wood stove and the rain falling hard against the barn’s tin roof. (limited to 300 copies, vinyl-only)

XRA-032 / Alexander the Great / Native Tongues 7″
The final piece in the songwriting puzzle that was Alexander the Great…this posthumous release finds the Bloomington youngins at their most melancholy-yet-inspired moment yet. Three lovely tunes to bid farewell to ATG, while at the same time reminding us just exactly what it is we’re going to miss about these dudes; catchy hooks, true emotion, and thoughtful, thought provoking imagery. (limited to 200 copies, vinyl includes mp3 download)

XRA-034 / Candy Claws + Mike Adams At His Honest Weight / Sing Starflyer 59 Split 10″
We’re pleased as punch to offer this novelty with our buddies from Flannelgraph Records! Two of the modern era’s greatest acts, Candy Claws and Mike Adams At His Honest Weight, together at last doing covers of the world’s greatest undisputed act of all time, STARFLYER 59! (strictly limited to 500 copies, vinyl includes mp3 download)

prices and ordering info for all three of these brand new offerings can be found by visiting the “Catalog” page, right up above us here.

…and if that wasn’t enough….
XRA will be doing another abbreviated version of XRAfest this weekend at the Village Green Records in Muncie, Indiana! All of that info can be found on the “Live” page.

more great stuff is coming after the turn of the new year, but that’s all we can tell you about for now. see you soon!!!!

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