Happy New Year!

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Welcome to the final year of existence! 2012. Wow. All of this build up, all of this progress and innovation, all of human history culminates in one enormous worldwide fireball at the stroke of midnight on 12/21/12. Who knew….

So, I guess we’re just kinda hanging around killing time at this point, all of us. My recommendation would be this: If you HAVE to sit around and anticipate the apocalypse, why not do it listening to the new Bro. Stephen record? After all, it’s very good, and it kind of makes a perfect soundtrack for waiting for the end of time. I mean, at that moment when the Earth’s crust turns inside out I’m sure we’ll all be playing some SUNN O)))) or Zao or something, but until then, Bro. Stephen is ready to sooth us and calm us down while we wait. I mean, we’ve got 11 months to sit idly by and wring our hands. No reason to waste that time worrying and fretting. As for me and my house, we will let Bro. Stephen give us a neck rub until the moon turns to blood and the locusts reign down from on high.

Ok, sorry…enough of that….here’s some real information.
The new Bro. Stephen Record Baptist Girls is out officially on 1/24/12!!
If you preorder it now, though, we’ll send it right away!!
Tour dates are falling into place for Bro. Steve and he’ll be hitting the road hard with his new record beginning in February!!
We’ll be happy to debut the new single/music video very soon!! Just waiting on some finishing touches.

We’re very excited about this record, and a few other things that will be coming up very soon. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime if you have any questions, or just want to chat.

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