Good Touch / Bad Touch

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Bad touch first…

Due to the craziness of the holidays, (and a special super secret surprise) I’m afraid I have to announce that the December, and final, shipment of the Laminar Excursion Monthly series is a bit behind. Everything is in production and on it’s way very soon, we just got a later start than we had hoped. Anywho, things will arrive before too long, and your collection will be complete!

Good touch!!!!!!!

There aren’t many details to report just yet, but I’ve been listening to the final masters for three of our new releases this week and getting very VERY excited about them. The specifics are all being hashed out presently, like official release dates and what not, but please join me in looking forward to:

Bro. Stephen – Patrons of the Arts 7″

Alexander the Great – Native Tongues 7″


Sleeping Bag – Adams Demos Cassette EP

the Bro. Steve stuff is sparse, haunting and pretty. The ATG stuff is catchy, thoughtful and complex, and the Sleeping Bag tunes are raw and energetic. Speaking of which, you can actually hear a brand new, non-XRA Sleeping Bag song right now for free!

click on the word “Slime” to check it out.

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