Frank Schweikhardt ‘Kitchen Table’ Out Today and Other News!

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Today is the big day! After 3+ years of hard work, Frank Schweikhardt’s Kitchen Table will finally see the light of day. We’ve had the pleasure of being with Frank through every step of this record-making process, and we couldn’t be happier about it or believe in this record more than we do. It’s beautiful, brilliant, and understated.

Of course you can pick up the vinyl LP, the instrumental cassette tape version (thanks, Flannelgraph), or stream/buy the MP3 version directly from our “Catalog” page.

Speaking of which, you can now (finally…) stream our ENTIRE digital catalog from right here at! Just click on the album covers in the “Catalog” page and you can preview any of our fine digital offerings while you read our sales pitch and try your darndest to resist. However, be prepared to succumb to the power of persuasion as those words plus the undeniably high-quality music convince you otherwise.

Also, for a limited time, we have a handful of husband&wife Dark Dark Woods vinyl LPs available in the “Catalog” shop. These are beautiful, white vinyl LPs in hand-cut/screened sleeves (by our pals at Mind Over Matter), and include a daring and fantastic ambient remix CD called Seems Like The Same Sound, which features every song from DDW remixed (at least once) by our good pal Adam Jessup. We don’t have many of these, so snatch them up while you can.

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