Best of: XRA news updates 2009

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For some reason, this year, 2009, has seen an abundance of “Best of…” lists popping up all over God’s green internet. Not to mention the influx of people belly-aching all over the place about all of the “Best of…” lists. Either way, we’re always excited when someone likes our records, and we like it even more when they tell other people that they like them! So, in order to celebrate word-of-mouth advertising, the democratization of the internet, and good, independent music we thought we’d publicly congratulate husband&wife and Frank Schweikhardt for making #’s 25 and 11 respectively on Backseat Sandbar‘s “Top Albums of 2009” list! great work fellas!

And, also, too, as a friendly reminder, the few remaining LEM subscriptions will be jumping up to $50 in just a couple of days. get them cheap while you still can.

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