XRA Records Digital Store

XRA Records Digital Store

Feature, News & Updates0 comments

It’s here! The new XRA Records Digital Store collects our entire digital catalog in an easy to navigate, easy to use shop where you can buy and sample as much XRA Records music as you can stomach.

While our first love definitely still remains in the physical realm, (touch is our love language, after all) we figured, while we’re at the digital thing too, we might as well make it easy and wide open! More new physical releases are moving their way down the tubes as we speak, but in the meantime, feel free to peruse the digital offerings (including some out-of-print titles) and let your imagination run wild!

So, if there’s an XRA title you’ve always been curious about but didn’t want to pull the trigger blindly, give it a listen in the digital store and we’re sure you’ll be convinced of it’s greatness. And as always, if you hear something you like be sure to pick up the real-world version of it from our Catalog page.


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