Welcome, Sleeping Bag!

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We’re knee-deep in doughnuts over here at XRA headquarters! Streamers are flying, party favors are buzzing, pots and pans are banging, every couch is a make-out-party….it’s WILD!

Why are we so excited, you ask? Because we have the pleasure of introducing you to Sleeping Bag, our new bros. from another cosmos!

Sleeping Bag is the best band around. They rock when duty calls, they jam on impact, and they know how to get serious when the time comes. Mark your calendars for MARCH 8, 2011 because that’s the day Sleeping Bag’s Adams Demos Cassette EP was released on XRA Records! (Preorder’s up now, though…and it ships early. MP3 coming soon)

Where were you when Sleeping Bag dropped?

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  • Upcoming shows

    All our bands are off making more beautiful music. Check back as new shows and tours get posted.