Nearly two years of wandering the country and hopeful soul-searching have culminated in the debut full-length from Bro. Stephen. The feelings are clear, the lyrics are poetic, and the ghosts in the background are real…
Primarily recorded in a converted chicken coop in rural Indiana, Baptist Girls is stark but hopeful; haunting but beautiful. The sounds of incidental rain and the crack of the wood-burning stove do much to inform the experience. Occasional help from Cheyenne Marie Mize (Yep Roc / Bonnie “Prince” Billy) certainly doesn’t hurt, either!
Easy Love
Tears on Tape
Patrons of the Arts
Without Effort
This June
Under Your Feet
Bare Wood
Prayer Pose
Shepherd’s Cane
When You Find Out
Fix Your Grip*
Late Night Park Race*
(* vinyl-only bonus track)
Baptist Girls
Jan 24 2012